miracle in cell no. 7


okay. seperti tajuk di atas *hahaha. ayat aku..* aku baru je habis tengok movie miracle in cell no.7. exo ada tengok dan dorang nangis.

and yes...

aku pun menangis. serious, cakap movie ni memang sedih. bengkak mata aku sebab menangis. *aku ni jenis yang emotional. harap maklum.* si ayah kena hukuman mandatori atas kesalahan yang dia tak buat then anak perempuan dia tak tahu pun yang sebenarnya ayah dia dijatuhkan hukuman mandatori. ayah budak perempuan tu ada penyakit apa entah nama dia, aku tak ingat nama penyakit tu. bukan syndrom down tau, syndrom down lain. aku tak nak spoil banyak so aku bagi plot cerita dia. kat bawah sekali aku ada bagi link movie tu. tengok la. penat tau aku cari. hahahahaha.. seriously.

ni pun aku copy+paste kat internet.. xp

A father (Ryoo Seung-Ryong), who is mentally handicapped, but loves his daughter very much, is falsely accused of a crime and sent to prison. Later, his daughter Ye-Seung (Park Shin-Hye, who is a law school student, works to prove his innocence.
Back in 1997, Yong-Goo lives happily with his daughter Ye-Seung (Kal So-Won), even though he has the intelligence of a child. They stop by a shop everyday to look at a yellow Sailor Moon backpack that he hopes to buy his daughter. One day, they notice that the last yellow Sailor Moon backpack is being sold. Yong-Goo goes inside the store to plead his case, but the father buying the backpack ends up slapping Yong-Goo.
The following day, the girl who bought the yellow Sailor Moon backpack sees Yong-Goo working in the grocery store parking lot. She tells him that she knows another store that sells the same yellow backback. Yong-Goo follows the girl to a traditional outdoor market. A short while later, the girl is laying on the ground unconscious and Yong-Goo is trying to perform CPR. A woman walks by and calls the police.
Yong-Goo is accused of kidnap and murder. The father of the dead girl is also the chief of the National Police Agency. Yong-Goo is given the death penalty and incarcerated. In prison, Yong-Goo shares a jail cell with five other inmates. One day, Yong-Goo saves the life of his cellmate So Yang-Ho (Oh Dal-Su) from a rival prison gang leader. So Yang-Ho then offers to help Yong-Goo in any way he can to return the favor. Yong-Goo tells So Yang-Ho that he wants to see his daughter Ye-Seung. The five inmates then plan to make a miracle happen.

exo crying and for me itu terbukti dorang manly.. serious cakap..

click at the link.